Admin Panel
Entities Creation
Page Creation

Page creation

You can define new pages for your project. Pages can be website pages, mobile pages or desktop pages. It allows you to list, create, edit and delete the user facing pages in your system. To define a new page follow these steps:


When creating a page, the following options are required:

  • Name: The name of the page. This will be used to create the file in the project.
  • Route: The route of the page on the web or app, like /help or /downloads.
  • Template: The template that will be used to create the page.
  • Object: Comming soon.
  • Require user: If the page requires admin user to be accessed.
  • Permissions: Comming soon.

The pages are created in the path packages/app/pages/pageName.tsx of the project. This means that you can manually create a page without using the admin panel.