Protofy is a complete and functional full stack Javascript/React/ESP32 software architecture, packaged as a portable and ready to use project. Designed to facilitate the creation of modern, interactive, multi-platform applications (Android and iOS mobile, web, desktop, microcontrollers), automations, IoT systems, and REST APIs.
It provides a preconfigured and extensible set of programs, packaged as a yarn workspace, that are fully integrated and work together to create a seamless developer experience.
You can start a full development environment that combines the ability to create and integrate: Websites, Native Mobile Apps for Android and iOS, Desktop applications for Windows, Linux and Mac, Rest APIs and IoT systems using ESP32.
We build upon popular technologies and tools from the NPM ecosystem, like Next.js, Electron, Express, Pino, Nextra, Aedes, LevelJS, Tamagui, and Zod, combined with ESPHome for configuring and controlling IoT devices.
Protofy provides a complete and functional software architecture within a folder, with all the pieces nicely integrated and ready to be extended and customized.
The system includes a functional user system with login and register, JWT sessions and a fully functional admin panel with low code widgets, database explorer and editor, and a fully extensible CMS.
From the developer perspective, protofy is a yarn workspace monorepo, with an apps/ folder containing expo, express, next and electron apps, combined with a reverse proxy, a MQTT broker and a LevelJS database system. There is also a packages/ folder with a set of available libraries, and packages/app where you can place shared code between all the apps.
There is an Object system based on Zod + some custom extensions, and a system to create Rest APIs from Zod schemas, combined with react widgets that provides automatic forms and interactive widgets, for a given Zod Schema.
The system can be configured and extended by any user using the web admin panel, or by editing the code using your prefered code editor.
Folder layout
- admin
- core
- api
- electron
- expo
- next
- nextra
- proxy
📦 Included packages
LowCode interactive diagram system for Javascript and TypescriptVisualUI
What you see is what you get (wysiwyg) for react, like FlutterFlow but for reactProtolib
Protofy Framework on top of react, express and tamaguiExpress
API system based on NodeJS (With automatic CRUD creation)Aedes
mqtt server- Tamagui (opens in a new tab) 🪄
- Solito (opens in a new tab) for cross-platform navigation
Expo SDK
Expo Router
Many more things!